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Tax FactsAllMyTax stays informed of developments in taxation around the world. We write some of these here in our own web site and we also use Twitter to keep a wide variery of news feeds coming to you. You can follow us on Twitter or check back here to see our many updates. AllMyTax provides opinion and information on an "AS IS" basis. Data and/or information may contain errors or be incomplete.
You will also find sample tax returns here so that you can get an idea of the amount of money you could receive back. |
Why should you use AllMyTax?
- We are cheaper then other tax back services and have NO HIDDEN FEES.
- More cash for you - your income tax refund could be worth thousands - and we know how to maximize your refund.
- Minimal dealings with the tax office - we do the hard work, we know the rules and how to get you more money.
- Fast payment options - get your money fast and safely in to your bank account wherever you are in the world.