Australian Tax Facts & Sample ClaimsIf you have been a temporary resident in Australia and paying tax you are most likely due a tax refund. This includes working holiday visas. Also, when you work in Australia you normally pay into a Superannuation fund with each job. You can claim a lot of this back as well. We can also handle your Superannuation refund.
Australia’s income tax year ends on 30 June. This applies to individuals, trusts and companies. If you are leaving Australia for the remainder of the tax year, we can submit your tax return for you immediately. If you are still residing in Australia then most tax refund claim items can only be claimed at the end of the tax year. However, previous years can be claimed immediately. Get in touch and we can guide you. |
Start your refund now
Australian Superannuation Refund
Any worker in Australia (earning more then $450 a month) has 9% of their salary deducted and put in to a "Super Fund" by their employer. This is essentially a compulsory pension scheme.
The good news for backpackers, working holiday visa holders and temporary residents of Australia is that when you leave Australia - you can claim this back! And we know how to claim it back.
Getting a tax refund is one thing you should do when you leave Australia, but getting your Superannuation refund is even more important.
You can claim back Superannuation as far back as 1994. You must have left Australia permanently. This is not an option for Australian or New Zealand citizens unfortunately.
For a full list of the rules and requirements for claiming Superannuation back click here.
So claim your tax and Superannuation back now and get the refund that belongs to you. Start your claim now!
The good news for backpackers, working holiday visa holders and temporary residents of Australia is that when you leave Australia - you can claim this back! And we know how to claim it back.
Getting a tax refund is one thing you should do when you leave Australia, but getting your Superannuation refund is even more important.
You can claim back Superannuation as far back as 1994. You must have left Australia permanently. This is not an option for Australian or New Zealand citizens unfortunately.
For a full list of the rules and requirements for claiming Superannuation back click here.
So claim your tax and Superannuation back now and get the refund that belongs to you. Start your claim now!
Simple and easy way to get your refund
Email us now to have all your questions about paying tax in OZ and how to get the most out of your tax refund. sorts out superannuation refunds and tax refunds. In fact you can get an average tax refund of AU$2500 and superannuation refunds can be between AU$600 and $5000. Let us look after your tax refund now - it's easy to register and we do all the work. If you've got a query ask AllMyTax to find out about your tax return now - you'll be glad you did!
Australian Medical Rebates
Medical – A rebate of 20% is available for medical expenses exceeding $1500. This rebate is limited to tax on taxable income, It includes Doctors, Dentists, physio, optometry, pharmacy scripts and natural therapies to name a few. Only out of pocket expenses qualify for the rebate.
Working Australian Seniors
Seniors will receive a rebate for working when over 60. You must have been eligible for Medicare benefits to pay this levy. If you were not entitled to claim Medicare we will need to apply for a Medicare exemption.
School Expenses
If you have school aged children you will receive an education rebate for amounts spent on books, computers and internet.
Working holidays in Australia
The Working Holiday and Work and Holiday programs encourage cultural exchange and closer ties between arrangement countries by allowing young people to have an extended holiday supplemented by short-term employment. While you work in Australia you must pay tax and Superannuation (pension fund). When you leave you can claim a sizeable amount of this back.
You can apply for this refund yourself. Using you are likely to see an increase in your return as we know the tax laws and what to ask for on your behalf.
You can apply for this refund yourself. Using you are likely to see an increase in your return as we know the tax laws and what to ask for on your behalf.
Emigrating soon or recently emigrated from Australia
Are you emigrating soon or recently emigrated from Australia? You are most likely due a tax refund. Because the tax office deducts tax from you throughout the year at a consistent rate, they assume you will be working for the entire year. Therefore if you are leaving the country during the tax year you will be due some tax back. The exceptional cases would be if you earn a very high amount of money.
The Australian tax year is from July 1st to June 30th. Every Australian citizen earning over $6,000 a year must submit a return. You can do this yourself by contacting the ATO. Using you have a better chance of getting more money back - as we know the tax law and what to ask for.
If you are not an Australian citizen and are leaving employment in the country forever, you can avail of excellent tax and Superannuation refunds.
Register with us and we will guide you through the process and maximise your return.
The Australian tax year is from July 1st to June 30th. Every Australian citizen earning over $6,000 a year must submit a return. You can do this yourself by contacting the ATO. Using you have a better chance of getting more money back - as we know the tax law and what to ask for.
If you are not an Australian citizen and are leaving employment in the country forever, you can avail of excellent tax and Superannuation refunds.
Register with us and we will guide you through the process and maximise your return.